Choosing the Best Audiologist for Accurate Hearing Tests
Woman getting hearing treatment

Hearing loss is a widespread issue that affects millions of people around the globe. It can be caused by a variety of factors, such as ageing, exposure to excessive noise, genetics, and certain medical conditions. Making an appointment for a comprehensive hearing test from a qualified audiologist is essential should you be experiencing any changes in your hearing. But what constitutes a good hearing test, and how do you choose the right audiologist for your needs? The following are important considerations.

About you and your Hearing

A hearing exam should begin with a comprehensive discussion of your medical history and lifestyle. Every person is unique, and your audiologist should take the time to understand your day to day activities, hearing challenges, communication preferences, listening needs and objectives. They should enquire about your hearing history, any symptoms you may be experiencing, and how your hearing may be affecting your daily life. This data will help your audiologist determine the best course of action for better hearing.

Video Otoscopy — Ear Health

The use of video otoscopy is a crucial component of a comprehensive hearing test. Your audiologist can examine your ear canal and eardrum pain free using a miniature camera. This can help identify straightforward or obvious solutions to your hearing problem, such as earwax build-up or an infection. If such problems are identified, they can be treated readily and quickly.

Middle and Inner ear Examination

The middle and inner ear should also be examined as part of a comprehensive hearing test. This can be accomplished via a series of tests, such as pure-tone audiometry, speech audiometry, and tympanometry. These examinations assess your hearing capacity and the health of your middle ear. They can help your audiologist determine the nature and severity of your hearing loss.

Analysis of Hearing Test Results

A qualified audiologist should provide you with a detailed explanation of the results of your hearing test. They should clarify the type and severity of your hearing loss, how it is affecting your hearing, and the treatment options available. They should also respond to any queries you may have and ensure that you fully understand the results and what support and options are available to you.

Explanation of Hearing Aids & Choice

If hearing aids are prescribed, your audiologist should explain all the available options. This includes various hearing aid styles, their features, benefits, and the different levels of hearing aid technology that is currently available. They should help you find a hearing aid that meets your hearing requirements and preferences.

You want an Independent Audiologist.

It is recommended to select an audiologist and hearing clinic that is independent and has access to all major hearing aid brands and is not aligned with or owned by a hearing aid manufacturer. This ensures that you receive unbiased hearing advice and have access to a variety of hearing aids choosing the best that meets your hearing needs, your lifestyle and budget.

To summarise

A comprehensive hearing test should include a detailed discussion of your medical history, lifestyle and listening needs, the use of video otoscopy, testing of the middle and inner ear, a detailed explanation of your hearing test results, an explanation of all hearing aid options, giving you choice and control of your hearing health.

Focus Hearing is your local independent audiology clinic, dedicated to providing comprehensive hearing tests and individualised hearing solutions including hearing aids.

Contact us today to schedule a hearing test. If you’re searching for a reputable audiologist and hearing test in Crows Nest, Erina, Central Coast, Mona Vale, Northern Beaches and surrounding areas, Focus Hearing is here to support you for your overall hearing health and path to better hearing.

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Free Online Hearing Test

Hearing tests check a person’s ability to hear the loudness and pitch of sounds. Some reasons why you may need a hearing test include ringing in your ears, others complaining that you talk too loud or watch the TV on high volume, or simply you have trouble hearing conversations.

While there’s no replacement for a consultation with a hearing-care expert, our free online hearing screening can provide some quick and useful feedback about your hearing. The screening should be carried out in quite space and all you need is a pair of headphones!

Type your details to start your free hearing test

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