Hearing Experience with Oticon's Latest Hearing Aids
Oticon's Hearing Aids

Revolutionise Your Hearing Experience with Oticon’s Latest Hearing Aids


Hearing loss is a common problem that affects millions of people worldwide. At Focus Hearing, we recognise that whether your hearing loss is due to age, genetics, or exposure to loud noise, hearing loss can significantly impact your quality of life. Fortunately, advancements in technology have led to the development of hearing aids that can help individuals with hearing loss to hear better and live fuller lives. Among the companies leading the way in this area is Oticon, a Danish hearing aid manufacturer that has been around since 1904.

Oticon’s latest hearing aids, the Oticon Real, use cutting-edge technology to provide wearers with a more natural hearing experience than ever before. At Focus Hearing, we constantly evaluate new technology to see how it can offer value to our clients as we tailor solutions to each client. In this blog, we’ll take a closer look at how Oticon Real hearing aids can revolutionise your hearing experience.

Better Sound Quality in Hearing Aids

One of the most significant advantages of Oticon’s latest hearing aids is their exceptional sound quality. These hearing aids use advanced algorithms and signal processing to provide wearers with clearer, more natural sound. They can distinguish between different types of sounds and adjust the volume and frequency, accordingly, resulting in a more personalised listening experience.

Additionally, Oticon Real hearing aids can help wearers hear better in noisy environments. They use sophisticated noise reduction technology to filter out background noise and focus on the speech sounds that matter most. The new technology also reduces troublesome wind and handling noise as well as pesky sudden sounds that can affect the wearer’s ability to focus on speech. This makes it easier for wearers to participate in conversations and engage with their surroundings. At Focus Hearing, we recognise this as important technology that can allow you to get the most out of social situations. 

Oticon's Latest Hearing Aids

Sleek and Discreet Hearing Aid Design

Another benefit of Oticon’s latest hearing aids is their sleek and discreet design. Unlike the bulky hearing aids of the past, these hearing aids are small and virtually invisible. They sit comfortably behind the ear and are available in a range of colours to match your skin tone.

This discreet design not only makes the hearing aids more aesthetically pleasing but also more functional. Wearers can go about their day without feeling self-conscious about their hearing aids or worrying that they will fall out or get lost.

Hearing Aid Connectivity Options

Oticon’s latest hearing aids also offer a range of connectivity options that can enhance your hearing experience even further. They can connect to your smartphone, television, and other devices via Bluetooth technology, allowing you to stream audio directly to your hearing aids. This means you can watch TV, listen to music, and take phone calls with greater clarity and ease.

Additionally, Oticon’s latest hearing aids can be controlled via a mobile app. The app allows you to adjust the volume, change programs, and monitor battery life, all from your smartphone. This level of control makes it easier to customise your hearing experience and ensures that you always have the best sound quality possible.

A significant step forward in hearing aid technology

Oticon’s latest hearing aids represent a significant step forward in hearing aid technology. With their exceptional sound quality, sleek design, and connectivity options, these hearing aids can revolutionise your hearing experience and help you live a fuller life. If you suspect you have a hearing loss, we encourage you to book in for a hearing assessment to see if the Oticon Real hearing aids the best solution for you.

Focus Hearing provides hearing tests and hearing aid fittings including a number of other hearing services in clinics in Cows Nest, Erina and Mona Vale. We structure our pricing to give you value for money that incorporates the service you need to get the most out of your hearing aids. Contact us on (02) 9994 8052 or visit us online to make an appointment.

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Free Online Hearing Test

Hearing tests check a person’s ability to hear the loudness and pitch of sounds. Some reasons why you may need a hearing test include ringing in your ears, others complaining that you talk too loud or watch the TV on high volume, or simply you have trouble hearing conversations.

While there’s no replacement for a consultation with a hearing-care expert, our free online hearing screening can provide some quick and useful feedback about your hearing. The screening should be carried out in quite space and all you need is a pair of headphones!

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